============================================ THE COMPLETE FRIENDS DESKTOP THEME PACK V1.0 http://www.bayside.net/users/brief/friends/ ============================================ File Info ========= Filename: cmfriend.zip File size: 1,750,249 bytes Date: May 25, 1998 Requirements: Windows 95 Microsoft Plus! (or equivalent Theme handler) WinZip for Windows 95 Recommended: 1024 x 768 screen resolution, at 16.7 million colors Installation ============ The path names of the folders in this theme pack is saved into the zip file; this was done to make installation easier. That is, if you kept the default folder names for Microsoft Plus!... 1. After opening the file in Winzip, select "Extract" 2. Make sure "Use Folder Names" is checked 3. Enter "C:\" in the "Extract To:" field 4. Click on "Extract" This will install the screensaver, the font, the icons, the wallpaper, and the animated cursors, however, it will not replace your shutdown screens. I chose to not let it do so in case you want to keep backup copies of your shutdown screens, just in case. To apply the shutdown screens supplied in this Theme Pack, use the following instructions: 1. From the "Start" menu, go to "Programs," and then "MS-DOS Prompt" 2. Type "ren logo*.sys *.bak" and press 3. Type "xcopy \progra~1\plus!\themes\friends\logo*.sys" and press 4. Type "exit" and press Credits ======= Special thanks to Ben Kung for his input while I working on the theme pack. Since I don't have any hard copies of actual "Friends" pictures, all images were taken somewhere off the net, and then modified using various programs available to me so that they can be used in this theme pack. These utilities include Paint Shop Pro, Adobe PhotoDeluxe, MicroAngelo Studio, and the XrX Logo Utility. A few of the sounds were also taken off other web sites, but they were mostly recorded from the tapes I have. The Complete Friends Theme Pack includes more animated cursors than are actually used; I chose the two I was most proud of, but you're given the choice of selecting others if you would like to do so.. To change the mouse cursors, go to the "Control Panel," then double-click on the "Mouse" icon, and select the "Pointers" tab. Below is the list of sites I used as resources for this theme pack: http://www.branger.com/pinero/files.html http://www.centralperk.com/ http://www.friends-cafe.com/ http://www.nbc.com/tvcentral/shows/friends/index.html If you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments, please e-mail them to me at Glenn Wang http://www.netcom.com/~brief/ May 25, 1998